Monday, September 1, 2008

Helping People to Live Better
Dr. Wallace is one of the top thinkers on
living healthier in the AV

Upon first meeting Dr. Wallace, as most know him, he appears to be a spry 30 or early 40 something man. His pace, energetic smile, active listening skills and encyclopedic responses on health & nutrition leads one to think, ‘Wow, this guy knows his stuff.’ Truth is that Dr. Wallace is 58 years young and has decades of training, knowledge and experience to rely on when serving his clients.

He has been practicing nutrition and wellness along with dispensing high-powered nutritional advice for nearly 30 years in Southern California. Dr. Wallace counsels clients who have cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, pancreatic and kidney diseases, vascular complications and a host of serious and daily health concerns.

A fixture at local health food retailer, The Whole Wheatery in Lancaster, Dr. Sconiers spends his week serving the nutritional needs of numerous clients.

For some time now, once a month he offers a 2 hour lecture on a selected number of vital health and nutrition topics at no cost to the attendees. The questions range from what
supplement to take all the way to how to discuss medical issues with their doctor.

A Fresh AV Vision

While Dr. Wallace is devoted to serving the people, he also has a bone to pick with them. One of his deepest desires is for people to consider their health ... more seriously.

He gets fairly intense questions all the time, but few people actually commit to doing what is necessary long term. He lives what he preaches. A vegetarian for 38 years (vegan for 15), Dr. Wallace is a strong advocate of eating better, resting better, managing stress better, exercising better and accomplishing a powerful core of wellness that can become infectious throughout the valley.

New Direction

Today, Dr. Wallace is a man on a mission. He has formed an agreement with a new local branding firm, Creative Lunacy. “I am all about people changing their lives and living better,” says the doctor. Creative Lunacy is developing a personal branding campaign that will change the face of nutritional awareness in the AV.

“My goal for the future is to encourage more people to feel better and live better,” Dr. Wallace shares. “This valley is changing rapidly and I think that’s great in some aspects. It represents more people for me to engage about their health. Next are responses to interview questions given from Dr. Wallace about his mission.

Nutrition and Wellness

Because no two people are chemically alike (even identical twins have different biochemical and nutritional needs), no one nutritional program, lifestyle change or health protocol will suit everyone.

In my practice, most people I come in contact with simply want to feel better and know that they are not harming themselves with their particular diet, habits and lifestyle choices. My goal is to provide them with the tools for a successfully healthy life.

Informed wellness being the objective, I believe that it is absolutely crucial to employ a comprehensive approach to achieving good nutrition and wellness.

Everyone must become more proactive in the health process. There must be ongoing self-motivation and education involving general nutrition, as well as specific focus on major problems, concerns and/or complaints. I encourage my clients to become an expert in whatever ails we are challenged with.

I believe that in order “to be better, we must do better.”

It is important to recognize that we become ill for a number of reasons, not because of any one single factor. Consequently, this means we must explore and examine all possible underlying causes of any condition or complaint.

Causes include not only diet, but also social habits, such as consuming alcohol and/or tobacco, poor stress management, lack of sleep, challenging work place and/or home environments and possible negative family patterns all of which add to the scenario of illness.

Critical Health Issues Impacting Today’s Antelope Valley
Since I’ve been working and practicing in the Antelope Valley (since 1994), I can say with definite certainty that the four major ‘Critical’ health issues that recur consistently are cardiovascular (high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides, heart attack, stroke and congestive heart failure),
cancers (especially breast, prostate, lung, brain and lymphomas), diabetes (mainly type II about 95%), and assorted autoimmune complaints, i.e., lupus, arthritis, asthma, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, scleroderma, and Raynaud’s disease.

It is interesting to note that when I worked “down below” (Sherman Oaks, Encino,
Northridge, Glendale, Thousand Oaks, etc.), the concern was mainly cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and asthma.

The AV has a particular set of issues to address right away ... and in a big way. That’s why I offer FREE lectures every month.

Dr. Wallace’s Solution

My mission is to convince people of the importance of taking full action in controlling in their own health while they still have an opportunity to do so.

I see so many people spending more time, money, care and passion in selecting clothing, pets, automobiles and techno toys, than the food and beverages they consume.

So many people are going about their daily life’s routine and playing Russian Roulette with their health and well-being unknowingly (and often times knowingly).

If you have ever seen the effects of a severe stroke or Pancreatic cancer, you would not be shy about telling everyone you know, not to go there. As stress levels increase in our lives, this is no time to play with our health or take risk lightly. The rate of obesity, sedentary lifestyles and intense stressful living is literally killing us -- daily.

My plan is to enlighten people in an entertaining, yet informative fashion while highlighting many of the “in your face” scary and dismal health statistics running rampant in this great nation.

I know that my passion, honesty, and care will help to motivate many of the people that I’m fortunate enough to serve, working with them, as a team, on their journey to better health.

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